For the first time in history, Texas Southern University hosted the Primary Democratic Debate.

For the first time in history, Texas Southern University hosted the Primary Democratic Debate.
Houston, TX - Texas Southern University's community radio station KTSU 90.9 is proud to announce "The Yolanda Adams Morning Show
James Martin, II is many things when it comes to his professional career. He is a speaker and author, but it is his work as a Corporate trainer, Etiquette Consultant and Personal Stylist
Prince’s song Kiss played on the loudspeaker and everybody paused. A woman, with dyed purple hair, was handed the microphone and the moment she started mimicking Prince's falsetto, you don’t have to be rich, people in Harris For The People shirts erupted with cheer.
Jacqueline C. Goodwater is the big sister to five brothers, the department she leads, and anybody else who walks through the doors of the historic Fairchild Building at Texas Southern University.